Shane Gould has a great site where she tells her life story, sells photos and posts some comments about her training when she went to the Olympics: "In peak training I swam 10 to 11 sessions per week doing about 4 to 5 miles each time (write to me and tell me how many kilometres that is. Rachel Harris Australia’s current champion 800m freestyler swims 7km per session). I did all four strokes in training and at least one lot of races each week. I also did cross country running and sports at school. In the summer I went to the beach and body surfed on weekends. All the exercise I did added to training my muscles and general fitness."
What research went into this?
"Shane Gould has a great site where he tells his life story, sells his photos and posts some comments about his training when he went to the Olympics"
"Shane" is a girl.
Posted by: King Frog | February 18, 2007 at 07:47 PM
Fumble fingers, fumbled thinking. Correction made. Thanks
Posted by: CL | February 21, 2007 at 06:07 PM