The series pilot for the "Sopranos" included a scene with a flock of ducks in a backyard pool and an anxiety attack. A blogger near Ottawa, Canada, Matteroffaith, writes about a pair of ducks that uses her backyard pool as a lounge on the flyway. Every spring for five years, the ducks have been there: "I can see the ad now…”Backyard Pool near the Nation’s Capital. Lovely family will feed and admire you. Have your picture taken and be written about in a blog post.” And in Appleton, Wisc., a newspaper column by Shipra Seefeldt centers on a couple of ducks that make their home in a backyard pool, sometimes long enough to hatch an inspiring story:
"The problem becomes the ducklings' lack of ability to get out of the pool — they have trouble jumping out or flying. Every year we witness varying attempts to get the ducklings out of the water, and I am amazed by the characteristics exhibited that can only be called "resilience." "
Where are the ducks in our neighborhood? Maybe we'll see some when we remove the pool cover.
Hahaha, thanks much for quoting me. Didn't realize that my ducks had that much appeal.
A correction though, we're Canadian. The Nation's Capital in the article is actually Ottawa in Eastern Ontario.
Posted by: Sheri | April 26, 2007 at 10:13 AM
Thanks for making the change...if you're interested, see today's posts about the ducks.
Posted by: Sheri | April 26, 2007 at 01:50 PM