Art’s slide show and talk had finished, the large crowd was milling. This was a second bar that had scheduled him for a speaker. A strange venue, I thought, when he was invited to lecture with his photos in a bar the first time. The tables are moved and seats are set up in rows like a little theater. The audience loves him.
I sat at the bar facing out, leaning back on my elbows, people watching . A tall, handsome man (50? 60?), sat down next to me. “What are you drinking?” “Um, actually nothing.” “Let me get you a Jack Daniels. That OK?” I didn’t think it worldly to ask, What’s a Jack Daniels? But I did. He told me it was the best whiskey, I should take it with a water chaser. He ordered two. I faced in to the bar and he gave instructions on how to drink this set-up in front of me.
“Take a tiny sip, then a sip of water.” Oh. Yes. I can see why you need that sip of water. He asked, “Great? Right?” I took another sip. Not bad. He was from the neighborhood, and assumed I was too, and very animatedly discussed local Chicago politics. I suddenly understood the bar scene. Instant camaraderie. An immediate audience. No more aloneness. (You can see this was my first time solo at a bar). I sipped. He was much more engaged in his conversation than I was, so when I saw a familiar face out there, I excused myself and walked away saying I would be back – which I think I meant. When I did return, he was gone. The bartender in front of my empty seat said apologetically, “He drank your drink, too.”
So I have a new favorite drink. But you can’t drift around at a cocktail party holding a Jack Daniels in one hand, and a glass of water in the other. What do you do with your purse? So much to learn.
Florence! I was there and I remember that dude. He had an Irish name or anyway I assumed he had by the way he gripped his glass. When you floated off, he told me he had a yacht moored in Lincoln Park. He then went into a happy rant about his belief in yachting for the masses. Honest. That must have been fueled by your drink. Then he set sail.
Posted by: Peter Byrne | June 26, 2010 at 10:08 AM
When I saw Coach Handbag wrote a comment I was puzzled that it referred to the Quilting entry. Really. I anticipated an announcement that they had a new fancy purse with a cupholder!
Posted by: Florence Shay | June 26, 2010 at 11:37 AM
Peter, if I knew he had a yacht I would have hung around longer. What you didn't know how crass I am? Oh, wait, I get seasick on small craft. Never mind!
Posted by: Florence Shay | June 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM
Oh, now you have me all a twitter wondering if I, who gets tipsy with communion, should try a Jack Daniels and water. I have enough trouble with one drink in my hand, my fingers dancing about, trying to figure out how to sip and shake hands or give a hug without spilling.
What a lovely evening and show this must have been.
Posted by: Penny | June 27, 2010 at 05:27 AM