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September 21, 2011




I’m so sorry to hear of your fall and fractures. I can only imagine how painful it all must be, physically and psychologically. I hope this doesn’t overwhelm you. You’re strong…you’ve got the goods when it counts. This is a set-back, but you’ll get through it.

Regarding rehab: might it be a comparable expense (maybe even less) to set something up at home, i.e., rent a hospital-type bed and have a physical therapist work with you at the house? For a while, you’d have to stay on the 2nd floor and you may need to hire someone to assist you temporarily, but you’d be home. Just a thought.

My continued prayers and love,


Florence Shay

Dear Margee,
How thoughtful of you. Thanks so much for your kind words. I need the physical therapy facility here.

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