Oh darn! I even had my attire picked out for my day in court. From my very limited wardrobe, here still at rehab, I chose a black-and-white patterned tee and a black sweater for the appearance of sincerity.
I rehearsed my role. The DA asks: "Did you give your credit card to this person? She tells me you gave it to her.” And I, outraged, reply: "No, never. I never give my credit card to anybody ever except to immediate family to buy something for me or to offer them lunch on me and even then they usually order Chinese carry-out, and anyone who says I gave her my card is a dirty, rotten, stinkin' liar."
Whereupon opposing counsel hollers, "Objection! 'No' will do." And I answer, contrite, "No."
Art called the DA's office because they hadn't got back to us with a time and place other than the Court House in Waukegan, an hour's drive away. And the DA told him, "We don't need you anymore. She'll be pleading guilty.”
What about her nursing license? I phoned the detective who nailed her. It's murky. She won’t be sentenced for many weeks. Because this is her only arrest and she is a single, unwed mother with several children, she might get weekends in jail. The police can't pull her nurse’s aide license. That's up to the agency that issued it. With an arrest on her record it's their decision whether she keeps her nursing license.
The detective agrees: we don't know that it's her first offense - we know that it's the first time she has been caught.
Ah well ... a little progress. You could create a letter notifying the nursing homes in the area. They might (yeah, might) think twice about hiring her.
Posted by: Ellen | November 11, 2011 at 02:00 PM